Automatically generate a Git changelog
In order to get an overview of the history of a project under Git administration, it makes sense to create a changelog. A simple solution lists all commit messages sorted by tags.
Reverse Proxy with SSL and Authentication
Websites that are accessed via a reverse proxy only need to be secured as far as the proxy using an SSL certificate. This means that access is also protected via authentication.
Automatically Renew Wildcard Certificates
Let's Encrypt certificates with DNS validation can only be automatically issued and renewed if the DNS provider facilitates an API. If this is not the case, one can use the name servers of deSEC and their API.
Web server as reverse proxy
A web server on the Internet can be configured as a reverse proxy in order to make websites hosted on any workstation available on the Internet. Access also works to a computer in the home network.
Wildcard Certificates with Let's Encrypt
Since 2018, Let's Encrypt has offered the option of issuing so-called "wildcard certificates". This eliminates the need to issue individual certificates in a multi-sub-domain setup.
Setting up a gateway with SSH
With the help of a combination of remote and local port forwarding, it is possible to establish connections between computers that cannot be reached directly with one another. No "open" gateway is required for this.
Working with Unix Pipes
Pipes are one of the cornerstones of software development in Unix and can be seen as a precursor to the central principles of microservices. A practical example from the field of web development.
Remote Port Forwarding with SSH
A problem for many homeworkers is how to make locally available services, such as a website under development, available to a customer on the Internet. This article shows how to achieve this with an SSH-only solution.
Package installation without a remote repository
In these days, many developers offer their programs outside of the official package repositories via file downloads and installation by means of dpkg. However, existing dependencies cannot be resolved during installation with dpkg. The local-apt-repository package can help here.
Local Port Forwarding with SSH
The ssh program can not only be used as a secure alternative to telnet, but also offers the option of establishing a secure connection to other otherwise inaccessible services.