Development of a dBASE database with information for the US Senate elections in 1990 as part of an internship with the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) in Washington, D.C.
Creation of batch programs for SPSS on the PC (Windows) and mainframe (VAX/VMS) for descriptive analysis of data as well as the development of programs for calculating parametric and non-parametric transition rate models in FORTRAN and C/C++ as part of an activity as a research assistant without a university degree in the research area "Education, Work and Social Development" at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development and Education (MPIfB) in Berlin.
Development of a program in FORTRAN (later in C/C++) for the calculation of voter transitions. This resulted in the publication Wählerwanderungsanalysen der Bundestagswahl 1990: Eine Überprüfung des infas-Konzepts mit den Daten der Forschungsgruppe Wahlen (Voter transition analyzes of the 1990 Bundestag election: A review of the infas concept with data from the Elections Research Group), in: Hans Rattinger, Oscar W. Gabriel and Wolfgang Jagodzinski, ed .: Wahlen und politische Einstellungen im vereinigten Deutschland. (Elections and political attitudes in united Germany.) Frankfurt / New York: Peter Lang 1994, pp. 93-112.
Establishment and support of a department LAN based on Novell Netware 4 and Windows clients including connection to the campus network and the Internet for the Chair of Domestic Policy as part of an activity as a research assistant at the chair under the direction of Prof. Dr. Jürgen W. Falter at the Institute for Political Science at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz.
Development of a website for the Institute of Political Science, initially as static HTML, later with own programs based on Perl/CGI.
Migration of the department LAN to a heterogeneous network consisting of Linux and Windows NT (server and workstation). Development of programs with Perl/Tk for user support in the institute's student CIP pool. Representative of the institute for matters of the CIP pool and IT representative of the social sciences department.
Start of work as a technical editor/webmaster in the editorial department of ZDF in Mainz with the task of maintaining and further developing the Perl based CMS Imperia mainly through the development of a media database based on MySQL and PHP, programming of interfaces for the import and export of data and content syndication based on XML/XSL.
Coordination of the webmaster group in the main editorial office for new media.
Developer, consultant and trainer in internet projects, mainly for the company Imperia to support their customers in using the CMS of the same name.
Consultation, troubleshooting and further development of the internet portal of the company TV Travelshop Germany based on the CMS Imperia 5 as well as the construction of an intranet based on the same CMS.
Migration from Imperia 4 to Imperia 6 at 3SAT, relaunch of the Internet service from Sat.1 based on Imperia 7, implementation of an intranet for the InWEnt company based on Imperia 6.
Development of database-supported web applications and the implementation of training courses, i.e. for the companies TC Group (Ludwigsburg), PC-College (Berlin), RHG Consulting (Nuremberg), Macromedia (Munich), Tel-a-Vision (Mainz) and the Ministry for Education, Women and Youth in Rhineland-Palatinate and the University of Mainz.
Inhouse Consultant for SAP Netweaver Portal and BI, Döhler Group (Darmstadt).
Application Consultant for SAP Netweaver Portal, later Salesforce, Merck KGaA (Darmstadt).
Establishment of a private IT infrastructure with several virtual servers and applications such as ownCloud, later migrated to Nextcloud, Confluence, Piwik (now Matomo), ApacheDS and Icinga2.
Development of own software applications and participation in various open source projects via GitHub.
Salesforce Certified Administrator